Bringing new life to age-old knowledge
This site was born out of a desire to become more connected to the land, the traditions and the way of life my grandparents enjoyed as children and even young adults.
Few people my age are fortunate to grow up near several generations of family as they raise their own children, and to glean from decades of wisdom that is fast fleeting today.
Even fewer seem to appreciate the simple pleasures that make a life of contentedness within reach.
In my mind, knowing how to make things from scratch (especially food), shouldn’t be just a hobby, but a common sense way to live. Learning how to grow and preserve the harvest and be more self-sufficient allows us to think beyond convenience, to what our bodies really need to be healthy and whole.
It’s a lifestyle that moves us from being mindless consumers – to being thankful and thoughtful. And hopefully, more generous in the process.
The goal of a small homestead (for me at least), is not to be driven by fear of the future – but an understanding that life as we know it could always change. Having a basic knowledge of past skills is simply invaluable in any event.
More than ever, I believe it’s important- if not critical – to learn some of the “old ways” of life that modern conveniences have declared impractical.

Fortunately, we can still take advantage of the conveniences that we have for today, while learning the ways of the past. We can even use creativity with some of these time-honored ideas to make them our own, with the resources and the time we have right now.
(As a busy mom, I’ve found that many homesteading sites do not always make things accessible for the actual time I have in my day. I’m on a mission to change that.)
A great deal of my personal inspiration comes through experience with my own grandparents (and great-grandparents through the years), neighbors and others in our rural area who have provided valuable insight into the “then versus now” of daily life.
Heritage Revived is an attempt to teach practical, small-scale homesteading concepts, simple living and self-sufficiency concepts on a beginner level, right alongside our family’s learning curve – as we appreciate and cultivate age-old traditions in a modern world.

From our contented little slice of rural America -to yours,